Anyone can benefit from psychotherapy

People come to therapy from all walks of life and for a whole variety of reasons. Some are working through losses or relationship problems. Others simply want to understand themselves and their challenges better. And there are those who aren’t quite sure exactly what it is that’s bothering them – they might feel stuck in a rut, lack meaning, purpose or interest in life, or maybe even like ‘there’s something just not right’.

But in general, when you’re feeling that the origin of your problems is psychological or emotional, that’s when psychotherapy can be useful. And if you’re feeling at all hesitant about getting in touch with a therapist, don’t worry – you’re certainly not alone.

If you’re going through
any of these things…

Feeling unable to progress in life;
relationship problems;
shameful feelings;
difficulty in sustaining relationships;
anxiety or panic attacks;
problems managing fear and anger;
post-traumatic difficulties;
feeling empty, isolated or lonely;
repeating destructive patterns;
having sexual problems

…then psychotherapy
can genuinely help